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Vincent Labranche

Courtier Immobilier Résidentiel | REALTOR

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Sell or Buy a Cottage

Let's Talk


I'm from Ontario, can I buy a Cottage In Quebec ?

Yes absolutely ! Buying a cottage in Quebec for Ontario / Canada residence is doable. The process is a bit different, but overall it's practically the same.

Instead of a lawyer, in Quebec we have Notaries who transfers the titles from Sellers to Buyers.

How long does it typically take possession of the cottage ?

Timeline will vary from transactions to transactions.

But a rule of thumb of 45 days, you can easily take possession of your dream cottage.

Yes that quick.

Example :

Day - 1 ; Join our VIP LIST

Day - 2 to 4 ; Zoom Call

Day - 10 ; Visit 3 cottages

Day - 14 ; Make an offer & Negotiate

Day - 30 ; Lift your conditions

Day - 45 ; Sign with Notary and take possession of your dream cottage

Can I use my own Lawyers / Realtors from Ontario to buy in Quebec ?

Unfortunately you can't !

You can check with your own lawyers and ask them.

But they will tell you the same thing.

In Quebec, we have Notaries and they act as neutral agreement specialists, notaries can help you make informed choices in many areas.

Same goes for your Real Estate Agent Professional. Same for Quebec Realtors, we can't draft / complete deals in Ontario. Same rule applies for Ontario Realtors, they can't sell Real Estate here in Quebec.

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